InterUniversidades EXCHANGE PROGRAMS

Career Information

  • Publicado por: - InterUniversidades -
  • Publicado en : Apr 13, 2015
  • Comentarios: 50
  • Visitas: 2847
  • Me Gusta: 50
  • Categoria : Otros
  • Descripción :

    General Information

    If your university has a bilateral agreement with your chosen Turkish university, you are ready to be an exchange student. The institutions of higher education in Turkey are strongly committed to assist exchange students with getting the most of their social and cultural experience. One example of this is that Turkey has been the third most successful country (after England and Germany) in the Erasmus Program in 2013 and 162 out of 166 universities have been accepted to participate in the exchange program. This is also an indicator of the high number of universities which have at least one bilateral agreement with another university.

  • Ubicación: Turquía

Info del Perfil

  • Duración 1
  • Modalidad de estudio Presencial
  • Nivel de estudio Estudios en el exterior


  • General Information

    If your university has a bilateral agreement with your chosen Turkish university, you are ready to be an exchange student. The institutions of higher education in Turkey are strongly committed to assist exchange students with getting the most of their social and cultural experience. One example of this is that Turkey has been the third most successful country (after England and Germany) in the Erasmus Program in 2013 and 162 out of 166 universities have been accepted to participate in the exchange program. This is also an indicator of the high number of universities which have at least one bilateral agreement with another university.