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François Gérard: Portraiture, Scandal, and the Art of Power in Napoleonic France
12 de marzo de 2015
"François Gérard: Portraiture, Scandal, and the Art of Power in Napoleonic France": The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. 71, no. 1 (Summer, 2013)
David, Jacques-Louis (French, 1748–1825) |
Desnoyers, August Gaspard Louis Bouchard (French, 1779–1857) |
Gérard, François, called Baron Gérard (French, 1770–1837) |
Gros, Antoine-Jean (French, 1771–1835) |
Isabey, Jean-Baptiste (French, 1767–1855) |
Monsaldy, Antoine Maxime (French, 1768–1816) |
Montigny, Philippe Claude (French, 1734–1780) |
Prud'hon, Pierre-Paul (French, 1758–1823) |
Vernet, Carle (French, 1758–1836) |
Vigée Le Brun, Élisabeth Louise (French, 1755–1842)