7 de octubre de 2014 5 Me Gusta, 0 Seguidores, 4 Miembros, 0 opiniones, 0 Comentarios, 2.8 k visitas
Ubicación: Via Timoleone, 10, Taormina, Messina, Italien -
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Since 1992 the Centre for Italian Studies BABILONIA in Taormina, Sicily has passionately dedicated itself to promoting our Italian and Sicilian heritage and culture along with the study of the... másSince 1992 the Centre for Italian Studies BABILONIA in Taormina, Sicily has passionately dedicated itself to promoting our Italian and Sicilian heritage and culture along with the study of the Italian language. Babilonia is not just a language school, but truly a Cultural Centre, open both to the local community and to international students who gain a wider cultural experience and have the chance to easily interact and integrate with the local community
The courses and programs are held at Casa Silva, an historic villa, built in 1817 just 200 metres away from the Greek Theatre: an architectural, natural and historical treasure that Taormina has miraculously managed to conserve.
Learn Italian in Italy and take part in the full immersion Italian courses Babilonia offers: Italian language courses in a group or Italian private courses. The Italian language school in Taormina, Sicily, offers study Italian classes from one week up to one year; and with the Italian language courses, the language students can also attend a program of social and cultural activities and free assistance in finding accommodation in Taormina.
Babilonia offers a wide range of Italian language and cultural courses for all levels:
Italian group courses;
Italian private courses;
Study abroad programs;
Italian plus cooking;
Italian plus pottery;
Italian plus diving;
Italian plus hiking;
Italian plus biking;
Italian plus golf;
Italian course 50+;
Italian in Florence and Taormina;
Italian literature;
Art history courses;
Italian history courses;
CELI preparation courses;
Executive courses;
Commercial writing.
For further information please take a look at the school's website http://www.babilonia.it or contact the school team. menos
Ubicación: 17 Varneys Road, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa -
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Abrimos nuestras puertas en 1995, formando parte del grupo fundador del sector de las escuelas de inglés. Nuestra constancia en ofrecer cursos de formación de alta calidad marcó las pautas a... másAbrimos nuestras puertas en 1995, formando parte del grupo fundador del sector de las escuelas de inglés. Nuestra constancia en ofrecer cursos de formación de alta calidad marcó las pautas a seguir al resto de escuelas de Ciudad del Cabo.
Ubicación: 825 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Florida, Estados Unidos -
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OHLA es una de las principales escuelas de idiomas en Miami, con modernas instalaciones y servicios, residencia de estudiantes en el lugar y con estudiantes de más de 60 países.
OHLA is one of the... másOHLA es una de las principales escuelas de idiomas en Miami, con modernas instalaciones y servicios, residencia de estudiantes en el lugar y con estudiantes de más de 60 países.
OHLA is one of the leading language schools in Miami, with impressive modern facilities, on-site student residence & students from over 60 countries.
Ubicación: Junín 222,Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Capital Federal (CABA), Argentina -
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In 1992, CUI was aimed to fulfill students’ needs regarding foreign language learning. However, as the result of a university extension project, shortly after these language courses were available... másIn 1992, CUI was aimed to fulfill students’ needs regarding foreign language learning. However, as the result of a university extension project, shortly after these language courses were available to the community at large.
Today, we teach more than twenty languages at CUI: English, French, Portuguese, Italian, German, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Spanish for foreign students and six aboriginal languages, Mapuche, Quechua , Guaraní, Toba-Qom, Tehuelche and Wichí, among others. CUI also offers online courses in English, Spanish, Italian, French and German
All language programs at CUI are a natural extension of university activities. Actually, the Superior Council of the School of Agronomy of Universidad de Buenos Aires has duly approved all our course contents. CUI is well known for the quality of its programs and for the professionalism of its teaching staff. Teacher training is constant during the year, whether in seminars inside CUI or outside. Another distinct feature of CUI is the outstanding diversity in terms of ideology, educational background, life experience, and age of its student population. These are key factors that contribute to enrich classroom activities and help promote discussion and debate as a means of language acquisition.
To meet the needs of its twenty thousand students, CUI offers an extensive time schedule, ten venues strategically located around the city and in the suburbs, spacious classrooms, a bookstore, a multimedia workshop, a cafeteria, a library, and a variety of services. Our goal is always to help optimize study and recreational time.
The CUI created its Spanish Programs in Buenos Aires in 1998. They were aimed to satisfy the growing demand from students and travelers from all around the world who visit Buenos Aires and want to learn Spanish along with our local culture.
CUI | Spanish Programs soon became a hub for those foreigners seeking for Argentine higher education programs. The reason is we offer a large net of cooperation with local Universities, both public and private. Therefore, students can enroll through us not only to Spanish courses in Buenos Aires, but also to undergraduate and graduate careers, short-term programs, seminars and the typical Study Abroad programs. In all cases, CUI offers options for both semester and summer formats, in Spanish or in English (on demand). All our programs can render University Credits. menos
Oxford College International, Ireland was estsblished in 2007 and has been providing High Quality English Language courses. We are accredited by the English Speaking Board (ESB) and only use native,... másOxford College International, Ireland was estsblished in 2007 and has been providing High Quality English Language courses. We are accredited by the English Speaking Board (ESB) and only use native, qualified teachers. Oxford College International is located in the centre of the beautiful city of Dublin.
Ubicación: Les Bureaux du Triangle 32, 26 Allée Jules Milhau ,Montpellier, France , Montpellier , France -
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Vengan a estudiar francés en la hermosa ciudad de Montpellier en el sur de Francia! En un ambiante familial y agradable, los profesores los acogen y les enseñan la cultura y el idioma francés.... másVengan a estudiar francés en la hermosa ciudad de Montpellier en el sur de Francia! En un ambiante familial y agradable, los profesores los acogen y les enseñan la cultura y el idioma francés. Aprovechen los precios atractivos y una pedagogía actual!!!
Ubicación: Rua Antonio Pedro 24, 2º. Porto, Porto, Portugal -
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Desde 1991, Fast Forward Language Institute se dedica a ofrecer cursos de portugués de reconocida calidad para estudiantes y ejecutivos extranjeros. Todos nuestros docentes tienen formación... másDesde 1991, Fast Forward Language Institute se dedica a ofrecer cursos de portugués de reconocida calidad para estudiantes y ejecutivos extranjeros. Todos nuestros docentes tienen formación universitaria, son nativos y poseen comprobada experiencia. Además han recibido capacitación sobre los innovadores métodos de enseñanza de Fast Forward Language Institute. Nuestro método hace especial énfasis en desarrollar en los alumnos la habilidad de comunicarse. Además de libros de gramática y de ejercicios escritos, nuestros profesores incluyen en sus clases una gran variedad de actividades de conversación y prácticas auditivas, con el fin de estimular la comprensión de los conceptos más importantes de la lengua.Los estudiantes son incentivados a relacionarse con sus compañeros de clase, sus profesores y con todo el personal de nuestro instituto. La escuela suele organizar diversas e interesantes actividades recreativas para los estudiantes en horas libres o fines de semana. Las familias anfitrionas contribuyen con su experiencia y entusiasmo al bienestar y satisfacción de nuestros alumnos. menos
Ubicación: Av. Alfredo Mendiola 1400,Lima, Peru, Lima, Peru -
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Uk Vivential corporación inglesa dedicada a la enseñanza de idiomas, entre los principales en Perú el ingles Británico y Español para extranjeros con un método innovador, totalmente vivencial,... másUk Vivential corporación inglesa dedicada a la enseñanza de idiomas, entre los principales en Perú el ingles Británico y Español para extranjeros con un método innovador, totalmente vivencial, que te permite aprender cualquier idioma en tiempo record 19 meses. Vivir el idioma es nuestro lema.
E-L@nguages.ca es una escuela virtual de idiomas operada desde Ontario, Canadá, que lleva a los maestros hasta tus puertas.Nuestros maestros son profesionales de la educación con títulos... másE-L@nguages.ca es una escuela virtual de idiomas operada desde Ontario, Canadá, que lleva a los maestros hasta tus puertas.Nuestros maestros son profesionales de la educación con títulos Universitarios que enseñan diferentes idiomas. Aprovechando la diversidad cultural de este país contamos con profesores nativos de los idiomas que enseñamos; sin embargo el ingles sigue siendo el idioma mas popular.Al ser E-languages una escuela 100% virtual utilizamos los últimos avances de las tecnologías de internet. Incluyendo una plataforma virtual propia, herramientas digitales y salones virtuales. menos